
Application for HK Tech 300 Training Programme
HK Tech 300 is a large-scale flagship innovation and entrepreneurship programme organised by City University of Hong Kong (CityU) for aspiring entrepreneurs among CityU students, alumni, research staff and others* to launch start-ups and ignite their entrepreneurship journey. The programme aims to create 300 start-ups in three years.
* Members of the general public who are interested in enrolling in the programme need to use intellectual property (IP) or technology developed at CityU.

Questions marked with a * are required
Person-in-Charge (PIC) Contact Information
Relationship with CityU?  
Year of study
Colleges, Schools and Departments:
Area of interest of your new venture 
If you have formed a company, what is your company name?
Please briefly describe your project/business (in 30 words).
If you have formed a team, who are your team members? (NO need to re-enter for PIC/team leader.)
Full Name
CityU E-mail/E-mail
Relationship with CityU
Institution (if non-CityU)
Student ID/Staff ID
HKID / passport no. 
(first 5 digits only, e.g. Y1234)
How did you learn about the Training Programme?
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