
CityU Student Athletes Admission Scheme (SAAS) for 2024 Entry (2nd lot)
Application Form

Questions marked with a * are required
You are required to upload the following supporting documents (scanned copies in pdf format) to the online application form:

1. Reference Letters (i.e. HK Sports Institute/National Sports Association/Sports Club/School)
2. C.V.
3. School Report Card / Academic Transcript
4. JUPAS choice / non-JUPAS application record
5. Others

While filling out the application form, you can save your response at any point by pressing“save and continue later” button and resume answering the form later. Also, you are suggested to use a computer to complete the online application form.
Chinese Name
Mobile Phone No.: 
Email Address
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
Date of birth:
Home Address:
Secondary School / College attended (with academic years):
Sports Type:
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