
Marketing Research for MPF Scheme in Hong Kong


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Greetings, we are a group of Year 4 Marketing students at the City University of Hong Kong. We are now conducting research about MPF services for the Z generation. Your opinions matter to us, and we cordially invite your participation in this survey research. All data collected will be strictly confidential and used for research and analysis purposes. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

您好, 我們是香港城市大學市場營銷四年級的學生。我們正進行一項有關強積金的問卷調查以了解Z世代對強積金服務的意見。您的意見將會十分重要,我們誠摯地邀請您參與本次調查研究。收集的所有數據將被嚴格保密並只用於研究和分析。感謝您的時間和考慮。
A1. Have you enrolled in an MPF scheme?
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