
CityU Internship Job Platform
Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) 

Thank you for providing valuable internship opportunities to CityU students. Please complete your company information and job details below for posting the internship details on CityU Internship Job Platform and we would help share the details with our CityU students and graduates after verification.
Please note that information provided in this form is for student’s general reference only, and is subject to change at anytime without prior notice. City University of Hong Kong is not responsible for the content provided by external organisations, nor is it accountable for any claims associated with the use of, access to, interaction with their products and services. Students would be fully responsible for liability or obligation which he/she may incur while participating in the internships which are posted on the Platform.

Questions marked with a * are required
Company Name
Company / Organisation Overview
Please provide a short description of your company/ organisation in 100 words.
Company / Organisation Contact Information
Students will contact your company/ organisation directly via the following contact methods if they have any questions.
Please input " / " if details are not available.
Business Nature
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